Tuesday, November 27, 2007

week9 thing20

  1. I've heard so much about youTube and then I was finally and thanks to this programme finally there, I was kinda disappointed. That should be the world famous website everything is talking about and there - nearly everybody has a video, famous or not so famous. The first I've heard about you tube was when this press conference has happened and an italian soccer coach explained a few things in not so good german what everybody said that was very funny. After finally seeing it I have to say it wasn't that funny at all. My guess is, that youTube is full of that sort of stuff.
  2. I had a look at the library dominos and the moment they do that downstairs at special collection I'm in. On the other hand wouldn't it be more usefully to read the books and play with real dominos instead? Just a thought. What I thought was much funnier are the pet videos. There is some real cute stuff out there.
  3. I managed to place a video on my blog and it has to said youTube made it very easy and straight forward. And of course I joined youTube and this was a very straightforward process as well.
  4. And finally. Actually I lack a bit of phantasy and creativity to imagine what youTube can do to our website. Perhaps pet video of the day. But please not Conan the librarian.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

week 8 thing 19

  1. That was a real fun thing. I'm not quite sure it was the right thing to do, but I just couldn't resist. I had to look at the games. So many free games to play. I played one or two games. Really I could easily have spent the whole day there and doing this exercise. It's amazing that there is so much free stuff out there. So games2web was my winner of these sites. Even if I couldn't spot a sudoku game.
  2. Is playing around still enough to get a genius?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

week8 thing18

I have been to zoho and created an account and had a look around and created two documents and then I managed to publish one of these documents on my very own blog. I thought that was a stroke of genius. I was really impressed by myself, but perhaps it was only because the programme was so straight forward that even I could manage. Never mind. Sorry for that document being written in German. I just got carried away and writing in German is still so much easier.
But I got the impression everything was very slow on zoho. I'm not quite sure whether i could cope this that, and besides that every computer has a software or perhaps only the ones I use. But there are now two more documents on the world wide web and I'm sure it can cope with that.

alte-veste ausbruch

  1. mein allerstes Dokument auf zoho. Mal schauen was sich daraus machen laesst. Aber warum soll ich eigentlich hier rumschreiben, wenn ich doch alles auch auf meinem Computer habe. Das Ungefaehre, das Beliebige. Hat denn nichts mehr auf dieser Welt irgendeine Bedeutung, Tiefe. Wechlse ich meine Methoden wie die Unterhosen, wenn ich letzteres noch mache.
  2. was macht denn noch Sinn, wenn nichts bleibt? Lebe ich denn nur noch fuer die naechste Bestaetigung und gar  nicht mehr fuer etwas das ich gestalte.
  3. Und schon schreibe ich wieder Unsinn. Mein Wutausbrueche reichen nur noch zwei, drei Saetze weit, dann geht mir die Luft wie aus einem Ballon aus

Monday, November 12, 2007

week7 thing17

I went to that website and hope that I've added my blog to the favourite blog page. Hopefully it had worked alright. I wasn't entirely sure. But you will certainly let me know about that, since you guided me so perfectly well through this learning programme. We'll hopefully manage to go the whole way.
wikis are a funny thing. I'm not entirely sure what to think about them. Since everybody can edit them, what could I believe or what shall I think when I read about editing-wars where people edit and re-edit the same thing over and over again.
And can it be too well organized? Well, if it somestimes looks a bit less perfect and a bit more lively. But I don't know. I suppose in a digital world it has to be well organized. Or you might loose track and it goes walkabouts.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

week7 thing16

Wikis are a very intriguing thing. It can be very lively, probably to lively for the taste for many. The freedom of opinion of expression. Where to stop it, where it is destructive and where it is vandalism to raise just a few points. I like the booklovers site if the Princeton Library. Although it looks far too well organized. But that is certainly the way to go to invite our customers to write what they find interesting or not. How they rate books and what they want to read and expect on the shelf. It's so fundamentally important to find ways to speak with your customers and with a wiki there are many ways to invite them and listen to them.

Monday, November 5, 2007

week6 thing15

In the past couples of days I read my way through these articles and I couldn't disagree more. I always thought a library is about books. I mean I do like books a lot. I really do. There is a place for computers in this world and there is a place for books and libraries is surely the place for books. And librarians aren't the computerguys in the internetcafe or computershops. That's what I thought anyway. And I'm ready to fight that battle. I don't mind to loose battles either. But it would be a shame, because I really do like books and would hate the idea to live in a world without them. Reading on the computer is just such a poor subtitute for a real book. I like the idea that my daughter reads books just like in the good old times. In fact she is a far keener reader than I ever was. I thought it would be a nice idea if there are at least for her lifetime books around. But if librarians are ready to move on to other shores and leave the books behind who on earth should fight for a world with books. I mean this whole discussion is my mind absolutely ridiculous. We should think about how we present our books what we purchase how we get readers in the library or the books to the readers interest kids for this amazing world of books. There hundreds of possiblities there and around books. It's not yet a lost cause. There are more books than ever. More people than ever write books and more books than ever are published. There are endless challenges for a library. I think a library which moves away from books or wastes their funds on other than books that is a lost cause and it's a shame.
A library is all about books and computers are altogether a different thing. It would be a shame if librarians mistake computer or web 2.0 or library 2.0 for a book.
Sorry for writing such a long blog. But really it is far shorter than I could have done and imagine if I could have written in it in German it would have been really long. Because I really do like books and oldfashioned as I am I think libraries is about books.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

week6 thing14

As much as I liked delicious, technorati is a altogether different beast. Perhaps it I was more into blogs it might be more useful. But I tried and I searched and I got results. I searched for my own blog and here I was. And I searched for a couple of other blogs and they were there as well. So if you have another blog for me to search, I might be able to find it.
But it has to be said, that I somehow found the concept of technorati confusing, without being able to say what confused me so much about this website.
But I do hope I still get a credit for this thing and therefor edge my way closer to the big prize. And I did revisit my old bloglines site and was forever wondering what the difference was between the both, apart that I liked bloglines way better.


Technorati Profile

week6 thing13

Another new thing. What an absolute unbelievable amount of things to do on this web. I might need another few lives though. Never mind. I like delicious. I think I could stay there for quite a while and surf and surf and surf. it's interesting to see what other people are tagging and adding and looking at. And you can surf from tag to site and see what people watch and have to say about them and surf on from there. It's quite fascinating.
I created my delicious account with my usual suspects and added a thing at the bottom of my blog and hope it works out alright. Just in case it doesn't my account name is -surprise -alteveste.