Sunday, November 4, 2007

week6 thing14

As much as I liked delicious, technorati is a altogether different beast. Perhaps it I was more into blogs it might be more useful. But I tried and I searched and I got results. I searched for my own blog and here I was. And I searched for a couple of other blogs and they were there as well. So if you have another blog for me to search, I might be able to find it.
But it has to be said, that I somehow found the concept of technorati confusing, without being able to say what confused me so much about this website.
But I do hope I still get a credit for this thing and therefor edge my way closer to the big prize. And I did revisit my old bloglines site and was forever wondering what the difference was between the both, apart that I liked bloglines way better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work! Yup- you got credit! :)