Wednesday, December 5, 2007

week9 thing23

Firstly I wanted to thank you for this grogramme and for your kind assistance. You guided me so well through this challenge and thanks to your efforts even I have a clue what all the kids are doing out there in the big wide web. Even if it's only a glimpse.
I learned quite a bit I would say, blogging seems to be my second nature and there are so many more things I know now about, some of which I haven't had the faintest idea that they existed. If someone is mentioning flickr now or youTube, you know, thanks to you guys, I'm the absolute expert. And there must be quite a few accounts out there in my name now. I might even impress my daughter.
I thought it was quite a challenge to do this programme in this time frame, especially since I never ever take some 'work' home. But it seems I made it to the end and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you again.


Anonymous said...

Well done on completing the web 2.0 journey and glad to see that your confidence has increased and you feel more comfortable about using some of these tools. Good on ya mate! :D

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